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Billie Eilish’s Health Journey: Navigating Chronic Conditions

October 2024
David Harris

Billie Eilish’s Health Journey: Navigating Chronic Conditions

Billie Eilish, a Grammy-winning artist known for her distinctive music and style, has also gained attention for her openness about living with a range of chronic health conditions. These conditions have shaped both her personal life and career, and by sharing her experiences, Eilish has helped raise awareness about the challenges faced by those with chronic illnesses and mental health issues. Below is an in-depth look at the health conditions Eilish has been open about, detailing how each has impacted her journey.

List of Conditions:

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
  • Tourette Syndrome (TS)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
  • Sleep Paralysis
  • Synesthesia
  • Chronic Pain

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects the skin, joints, and blood vessels, causing extreme joint hypermobility, fragile skin, and chronic pain. Billie Eilish has hypermobile EDS, which has significantly affected her ability to perform certain physical activities, particularly dancing, which she used to love. Joint dislocations and injuries are common for those with EDS, and Eilish’s performances are sometimes limited by these physical challenges. "I can’t do certain things because my body just gives out," she has shared, highlighting the limitations EDS places on her physical abilities .

For Eilish, managing EDS means constant pain and discomfort. Despite these struggles, she has persevered in her music career, although she must remain mindful of her body to avoid injury. Her experiences with EDS also intersect with other conditions like Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), which often appear in conjunction with EDS .

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

POTS is a form of autonomic dysfunction often linked with EDS. It causes a rapid increase in heart rate when standing, leading to dizziness, fatigue, and lightheadedness. For Billie Eilish, POTS can make even standing for prolonged periods a struggle, which complicates her demanding schedule as a performer. The condition’s symptoms include severe fatigue, which she frequently experiences on tour, requiring her to carefully manage her physical activity and recovery .

Managing POTS involves lifestyle adjustments like staying hydrated, wearing compression garments, and sometimes taking medications to stabilize heart rate and blood pressure. Eilish often needs to balance her career demands with her need to take care of her body, which is further complicated by her overlapping conditions .

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

MCAS occurs when mast cells, a type of immune cell, release excessive amounts of chemicals, leading to allergic-like reactions such as swelling, flushing, itching, and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Although Billie Eilish hasn’t spoken extensively about MCAS, it is commonly associated with both EDS and POTS, two conditions she does experience. MCAS symptoms can be triggered by environmental factors, certain foods, or stress, making it another complex issue Eilish must navigate .

Managing MCAS typically involves identifying triggers and avoiding them, along with using medications like antihistamines to control symptoms. Given the interconnectedness of MCAS, EDS, and POTS, it’s likely that Eilish has to manage these conditions simultaneously, making day-to-day life more complicated .

Tourette Syndrome (TS)

Billie Eilish has been candid about living with Tourette Syndrome (TS), a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements and vocalizations known as tics. Eilish initially kept her diagnosis private, but eventually opened up about it when fans began noticing her tics in interviews and videos. She explained that while she’s good at suppressing her tics in public, it can still be exhausting. "The main tics I do constantly are like this, kind of moving my ear back and forth and raising my eyebrow and clicking my jaw," she shared, noting how she manages the condition every day .

Despite its challenges, Eilish views Tourette Syndrome as just one part of her life, acknowledging that she’s learned to live with it. Her openness has helped raise awareness about the disorder and normalize conversations about neurological conditions like TS .


Anxiety has been a recurring theme in Billie Eilish’s life, particularly as she rose to global fame at such a young age. She has spoken candidly about how anxiety has impacted her, describing periods where she felt overwhelmed by the pressure and scrutiny of being in the spotlight. In interviews, she has explained that her anxiety often stems from the constant attention and the pressure to meet expectations, both professionally and personally .

Eilish’s mental health struggles are closely tied to the physical health issues she manages. The fatigue and pain from her chronic conditions can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, making it a constant presence in her life. Through therapy and support from her family, she has learned to cope, but anxiety remains a challenge she continues to navigate .


Depression has played a significant role in Eilish’s life, particularly during her teenage years. She has been open about her darkest moments, when she struggled with suicidal thoughts. "I didn’t think I would make it to this age," Eilish revealed in a 2021 interview, explaining that her mental health was severely impacted by the pressures of fame and her personal insecurities .

Eilish’s depression has often been intertwined with her physical health issues. The constant pain and fatigue from her other conditions likely contributed to her feelings of isolation and hopelessness during these difficult times. Today, Eilish continues to manage her mental health through therapy, self-care, and finding ways to express herself creatively .

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) has also been a significant challenge for Billie Eilish. Growing up in the public eye, Eilish has spoken about her struggles with body image and how she developed insecurities about her appearance. In response to this, she adopted her signature style of wearing oversized clothing, which she has said helps shield her from scrutiny and judgment about her body. "I don't want anyone to judge my body," Eilish has remarked, explaining how BDD has influenced her fashion choices and public persona .

BDD can be deeply distressing, and for Eilish, it has created added pressure to her already challenging life in the spotlight. By discussing her experience with BDD, she has helped bring attention to an often overlooked mental health condition .

Sleep Paralysis

In addition to her other conditions, Billie Eilish has experienced sleep paralysis, a condition where a person becomes temporarily unable to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis often occurs during periods of high stress or poor sleep, both of which Eilish has dealt with throughout her life. She has described these episodes as terrifying, adding another layer of anxiety to her life .


Billie Eilish also experiences synesthesia, a condition where senses are cross-wired, allowing her to perceive music in terms of colors or shapes. Eilish has embraced this neurological condition, incorporating it into her artistic process. For her, synesthesia influences both her music and visual art, adding a unique, immersive element to her work .

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a daily reality for Billie Eilish, primarily due to her Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. EDS causes significant pain in the joints and muscles, and for Eilish, this pain can be exacerbated by the physical demands of her career. Managing chronic pain is an ongoing challenge that requires her to carefully balance work and rest. Eilish has acknowledged that living with pain is difficult but refuses to let it define her. “You can’t let your pain win,” she has said, demonstrating her determination to persevere despite her physical limitations .


Billie Eilish’s health journey illustrates the complexities of living with multiple chronic conditions. From Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and POTS to anxiety and depression, Eilish has faced a range of challenges, yet continues to thrive as an artist. Her openness about her health struggles has helped raise awareness about chronic illness and mental health, offering solidarity to those who face similar challenges. Eilish’s resilience and determination serve as a reminder that strength comes not from the absence of hardship, but from the courage to face it head-on.


What type of disability does Billie Eilish have?

Billie Eilish has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder that causes joint hypermobility, chronic pain, and other physical challenges. While EDS is a chronic condition, it's not always classified as a "disability" in a traditional sense, but it can lead to significant limitations in physical activities.

What medical condition does Billie have?

Billie Eilish has several chronic medical conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and Tourette Syndrome (TS). She has also spoken openly about her struggles with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

Has Billie Eilish got a disability?

While Billie Eilish does not typically refer to herself as having a disability, some of her conditions, such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, may cause physical limitations that could be considered disabling in certain contexts. She often talks about how these conditions impact her life and performances.

Does Billie have a disease?

Billie Eilish has several medical conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic disorder, and Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder. These are not typically referred to as "diseases" but rather chronic conditions that require ongoing management.

Is it safe for people with EDS to get tattoos?

People with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) are often advised to be cautious when getting tattoos due to fragile skin and slower wound healing. However, Billie Eilish, who has EDS, has multiple tattoos. In a 2021 interview with British Vogue, she said, “My thing is that I can do whatever I want," expressing that her tattoos are deeply personal and not meant for public display. Despite the potential risks, Eilish has chosen to get body art that holds personal meaning for her.

Why did Billie get depressed?

Billie Eilish’s battle with depression began after she suffered an injury to her hip’s growth plate at age 13, ending her dream of becoming a professional dancer. This, combined with anxiety and the pressures of fame, contributed to her struggles. She also experienced separation anxiety as a child, sleeping with her parents until she was 10, further influencing her mental health journey.

What eye condition does Billie Eilish have?

Billie Eilish has what is referred to as "yin sanpaku eyes," a condition where the white part of the eye is visible beneath the iris. Sanpaku eyes gained cultural significance in face reading, especially in Western culture after being noted in public figures like John F. Kennedy. Some believe the condition carries superstitious meaning, though Eilish has never indicated it affects her vision or health.

Does Billie Eilish have a mental illness?

Yes, Billie Eilish has been open about her struggles with anxiety, depression, and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). She has spoken candidly about her mental health challenges, including periods of severe depression and suicidal thoughts, especially during her teenage years.

Why was Billie Eilish homeschooled?

Billie Eilish was homeschooled by her parents along with her brother, Finneas. Her parents wanted to foster creativity and allowed Billie and her brother to pursue their artistic passions from a young age. Homeschooling gave Billie the flexibility to focus on music, which ultimately helped launch her successful career.

How is Billie Eilish a hero?

Billie Eilish is considered a hero by many for her advocacy work and the awareness she raises for various causes. In addition to speaking openly about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and mental health issues, she is a passionate environmentalist, calling on global leaders to take urgent action on climate change. Eilish is also a dedicated vegan and uses her platform to promote sustainability and animal rights.

What type of syndrome does Billie Eilish have?

Billie Eilish has Tourette Syndrome (TS), a neurological disorder that causes involuntary tics. She has spoken publicly about her experience with TS, helping to bring awareness to the condition. She also has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), which affects her joints and connective tissues.


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