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Celebrities with Histamine Intolerance

Updated On:
September 2024
David Harris

Histamine intolerance is an often overlooked but increasingly recognized condition that affects many, including celebrities. Symptoms can range from headaches and digestive issues to skin problems, making life uncomfortable for those affected. Celebrities have begun speaking up about their struggles with this condition, helping raise awareness.

What is Histamine Intolerance?

Histamine intolerance happens when the body accumulates too much histamine or can’t break it down properly. Histamine is a chemical that helps regulate immune responses and digestion. However, if it builds up, it can cause symptoms like:

  • Migraines or headaches
  • Itching or flushing
  • Gastrointestinal problems (bloating, diarrhea)
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid heart rate

Foods high in histamine—like fermented products, alcohol, and aged cheeses—can trigger these reactions if the body can’t break down histamine effectively. Normally, an enzyme called diamine oxidase (DAO) helps control histamine levels, but when DAO is insufficient, symptoms arise.

Celebrities with Histamine Intolerance

Although many people suffer quietly from this condition, a few celebrities have publicly shared their experiences, bringing much-needed attention to histamine intolerance.

1. McKayla Maroney

Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney opened up about a frightening health scare in October 2023, when she revealed she had been struggling with severe insomnia over the summer. She explained that despite consulting multiple specialists, it wasn’t until she was diagnosed with histamine intolerance that she found relief. Histamine intolerance caused her adrenaline levels to spike, leading to extreme sleep deprivation and symptoms like intense internal itching. Through diet changes and taking DAO supplements, Maroney has finally been able to sleep again.

2. Bethenny Frankel

Reality TV star and entrepreneur Bethenny Frankel is best known for The Real Housewives of New York City and her Skinnygirl brand, Frankel has been outspoken about her struggle with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and other health issues. Her transparency about living with MCAS, along with her experiences with long COVID, has helped raise awareness about the daily challenges faced by patients managing this complex condition. Althought MCAS is not Histamine Intolerance, there quite a few similarities so her experience may help to raise awareness for both conditions.

Managing Histamine Intolerance

While histamine intolerance can be challenging to manage, there are several steps people can take to control symptoms:

  • Elimination Diet: Temporarily removing histamine-rich foods to identify triggers.
  • Low-Histamine Diet: Avoiding foods like aged cheeses, alcohol, and fermented products.
  • DAO Supplements: These can help some individuals break down histamine more effectively.
  • Consulting a Specialist: A healthcare provider experienced in histamine intolerance can help tailor a management plan.

Why Awareness Matters

Celebrities like McKayla Maroney sharing their personal struggles with histamine intolerance is crucial for raising awareness. It encourages others to explore potential food sensitivities and seek medical advice when experiencing unexplained symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Histamine intolerance is a hidden health issue that deserves more attention. Thanks to celebrities like McKayla Maroney speaking out, more people are learning about this condition and how to manage it effectively. While histamine intolerance can disrupt daily life, a proper diagnosis and treatment plan can make a world of difference.


Macias, TJ. "Olympian McKayla Maroney Reveals Chilling Health Scare. What is Histamine Intolerance?" Miami Herald, 9 Oct. 2023, Accessed 11 Sept. 2024.

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