Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a condition in which individuals experience adverse reactions to low levels of various chemicals commonly found in the environment, such as perfumes, cleaning products, and smoke. People with MCS may have symptoms across multiple body systems, which are often triggered by chemical exposures that most people can tolerate. The exact cause is not fully understood, but MCS is thought to involve the body’s heightened response to environmental toxins. Our clinicians can help you identify triggers, create a low-chemical exposure plan, and develop coping strategies to help manage your daily activities.

Respiratory: Shortness of breath / Wheezing / Nasal congestion
Neurological: Headaches / Dizziness / Brain fog / Mood changes
Gastrointestinal: Nausea / Bloating / Abdominal discomfort
Other: Skin rashes / Fatigue / Muscle and joint pain

Environmental Illness (EI) / Chemical Sensitivity / Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT)

Meet some of our best MCS specialists

Dr. Jim Harris, MD
Medical Director

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